Crowns and Empires – WIPpet Wednesday

Welcome back to WIPpet Wednesday, the weekly blog hop hosted by the lovely Emily Witt. Pop on over to her site to find out more about the rules, and how you can join in for yourself!

Regular readers of this segment will be pleased to learn that I more than a single line for you today. I know, I’m so generous. Today’s WIPpet relates to the date because I wrote it today (on my way to work, actually – the only time I got anything productive done, it seems).

The crown was not a beautiful thing by any means. Petrified seaweed clung to wrought iron, tendrils of bark and golden leaves weaving through the tangle. Gems, the flickering colours of the five faiths, were embedded into the other materials. They created patterns that could have been intricate, but merely appeared messy and unplanned. It was a mismatch of different rituals, traditions, and sacred symbols, forced unwillingly into unity. Just like the Empire itself.

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